Thursday, July 25, 2013

LOVE..... What a Complex Concept!

Do I feel love?
Do I want love?
Can I give love?
Can I experience love?

Of course!  I think.  I have to admit that there are times when I do, I can, I want to, I wonder.  Sometimes it is all I can do to practice self-love.  Boy, that one is THE hardest thing to do at times.  Sometimes, it is my perception of love  that blinds me, gets in my way, blocks me, makes me craaaaa-zeeee!!

Sometimes I just have to act as if .... as if I know, as if I can, as if I do, as if I will.  That helps me get through the moment, the hour, the day, the evening.  And then I get to get up and do it all over again!

I am grateful that I get to do that.  I am grateful that I have the capacity to believe.  The capacity to WANT to believe.  I know my Higher Power wants wonderful things for me .... but I have to "let it begin with me" (isn't that an Al-Anon slogan??)

I also get to practice these actions, these thoughts, these concepts, these behaviors .... yes, practice and repeat and practice and repeat.  These things I am seeking - to see, to feel, to believe, to experience - they WILL come to pass .... in time.  Not necessarily when I WANT them .... but perhaps when I am "ready" for them.

Practice some self-love today!!  Practice and repeat - practice and repeat - practice and repeat....