Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Knot's (Not's) Prayer

I believe this speaks for itself and probably to each of us .... Excellent prayer don't you think?

Monday, February 4, 2013

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Change - It's Inevitable

Hello all!

Well, this blog's location has changed to reflect the true author and I am looking forward to expanding topics, including new Uber Cool things, links to music and other media in the near future.

Thank you to all who follow or read and I always welcome feedback, ideas and commentary.


How's Your Thinking?

Sometimes we don't realize how powerful our old ways of thinking can be.  These patterns are often below the surface, unintentional and subconscious.  And often, especially when we are newly sober or in a new environment or situation, they drive our actions .... this can often create more challenges for us.  Sometimes we really don't realize just how "negative' our thinking is.  I know my own personal experience lead to someone who really cared about me and my success in life and recovery taking the time to mention what they were observing in my behavior.  Did I want to hear it at that time?  Oh, hell NO!  But I did listen and it made me start to "think".

You could say it "stung" to hear that I was being negative .... and once I got past being mad, indignant and feeling sorry for myself, I was able to look at that comment more objectively.  And, guess what?  I WAS carrying a negative outlook around and I would whip it out the minute something was contrary to me staying in my "comfort zone".  Well, as mentioned, I also started noticing how often it made potentially bad situations worse.

I am happy to say that through all of this, it created a willingness in me to work on becoming aware of this behavior and to take some steps to move away from that.

Here is a link to a helpful article about the topic:

Power of Positive Thinking