Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Beginnings

Ahhh!!  That is such a welcome and wonderful sign, don't you think?  I know it is for me. Each year has its ups and down, high spots and low spots and then we get a brand new year.  While it is very true that we get a new day every, filled with God's grace, a new year is something quite different.  It's like a new chapter in a book.  We are free to have new adventures, new experiences, new discoveries.  NEW HOPE!!  (I never get enough of that!!  In this instance, "more" is better.)

No matter how good your previous year may have been, it is always exciting to begin a new one!  What are you going to do different this year?  What will you do better this year?  Will you have more gratitude? More humility?

What goals will you set or meet?  What distractions will you leave in last year?  Who will you help? What will you offer this new year - to the universe, to your family, to your friends, to your community -- to yourself?

I would love to hear your responses .... Happy, happy, joy, joy to all!

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