Monday, January 21, 2013

To Thine Own Self Be True

Do you ever "discount" yourself?

Do you ever treat yourself as though you are not as valuable as others?

Do you ever sell yourself short?

No?  Are you sure about that?

Do you ever put someone else's needs or wants before your own?  Well, I'll bet if you take a good hard look at your situations, you may be surprised.

These are times when we believe it is important to "keep the peace, not rock the boat, help, make a concession, be the bigger person, and on and on".  Sometimes those are instances of discounting yourself - placing less importance or value on our own desires, needs, or wants.  Be careful about that my friend - sometimes those actions (or behaviors) will end up leaving you with a big fat resentment as your reward!

It can be difficult to discern what the right action is - especially when we are new to recovery.  Sometimes a situation or environment is the "new" thing.  Sometimes we may believe that we are solid in our recovery, doing the deal, on the beam, walking the walk --- then BOOM!  Something new, different, unexpected or unusual will emerge suddenly, out of the blue.  Those unexpected twists and turns can be dangerous and sort of rock our world.  It may be our intention is to "be of service" to someone else or some situation ---- if it makes you question yourself, pay attention to that!

Pay attention to how you feel - deep down - not on the surface.  How does it truly resonate with you and within you to perform this action?  Most times, it is not the initial instance that creates an uneasiness.  It is the pattern that may emerge if it is repeated over and over - this is when you may notice it doesn't "feel right for you".

P-A-U-S-E ... honor that uneasiness and take a step back.  Ask yourself, "is this really the right thing to do - for ME?  Am I doing God's will or my will?"

When we get the answer ... "uh, probably not or I am not so sure".  Call your sponsor - go back to the basics of your program.  Talk to someone in the program that you respect.

You may find that the "service" you started out performing has evolved into "DISservice" to you and the situation and probably others beyond that.  Suddenly, you have put yourself on the clearance rack!  You have marked down the value, the price, the importance of being true to thine own self.

Don't be a disservice to yourself!  Doing that becomes a disservice not only to you - but to others and especially the very thing, person, situation you were trying to serve in the first place!!  By this point, you have most likely crossed that line from service to controlling or enabling or both.  YIKES -- time to RUN - back to that safe place for you - to God's will for you!!

Remember, YOU ARE VALUABLE!!!  If I am treating myself only 40% well --- then I am only capable of giving 40% service to anyone or anything -- and that is a stretch!  Do yourself a favor - honor yourself first!

And besides, you can't give away what you don't have!  So give yourself a gift!  To Thine Own Self - Be True!!!


  1. I love the questions posted on the first part of the article. A great motivator. A
    sober companion that asking the same questions like those are helping their clients win the battle against addiction.

  2. Sober companions are a great help for those who wanted to recover from addiction.

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