Friday, October 12, 2012


Wow ... what a couple of recent days!  You know, when I got sober, no one told me that life was going to be perfect or run smoothly every day.  And you know what?  That is no lie!

Today, my choice is:  to relax and take it easy!  Yes that is one of the slogans that I thought was ridiculous back in the day.  Well, today I know better.  No matter what is happening in my little world, I do have the power to make a choice.  A choice about whether I am going to ride a tidal wave, or get to a calm, shallow cove and float.  Weird how that I can spend a few seconds or minutes riding that tidal wave and almost drown - then suddenly I get an intuitive thought and I take a deep breath and am floating in the security of knowing that there IS a power greater than me out there and He/It is in control of my situation.  Obviously not me ... but I have to make the choice to go with that thought and belief.  That is how is maintain my sanity.

So when life happens and it throws you curve --- remember to pray, remember to call your sponsor or someone you can share your struggles with and always remember there is solution to all that life throws you!

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