Saturday, October 6, 2012

Reading from "A Time for Joy"

I wanted to share a daily reading with you today:

"Once you plant deep the longing for peace, confusion leaves of itself."  Seng Ts'an

  We used to think that we would only feel peaceful when everything about us was better.  And many of us found that that time  never seemed to come.  As soon as one problem was solved, another would pop up to take its place and the old struggles and frustrations stayed alive.  The only way we seemed to be able to escape from all the chaos was to indulge ourselves, to block out our feelings with something else.
  Today we can create peace in our lives by meditating, accepting what is and letting our problems go to a power greater than ourselves.
   Taking the time to meditate keeps us centered and focused.  When we come from a peaceful place inside, we create a peaceful world to live in on the outside.

Today I am developing a world of peace for myself, both inside and out.  Today I know that I am always only one breath away from peace, one prayer away from serenity.


I don't know about you, but I can attest that those words are truthful.  Meditation and prayer are two practices that I was told early on would be very beneficial to me.  Although meditation was a practice I had to work at initially, I learned to embrace it and its power for me.  Over the years, I have certainly had periods of time when I became less diligent with those practices. Then, of course, my world started getting frantic and chaotic, and I pulled my magnifying glass back out.  Suddenly all I could see what what I perceived to be "wrong".  Wrong with me, wrong with you, wrong with all that way going on around me.  Well, what that tells me is that "I am off the beam!"  And when that happens, it seems that more STUFF is swirling around in my head - it's almost impossible for me to stay focused or make a decision - I am distracted - irritable - confused!  And I find myself saying, "I don't know what's wrong with me today."  (Does THAT sound familiar??)  And experience has taught me that unless I want to find myself picking myself up off the ground or sitting in a dark corner, I best get back to basics.  Basics for me includes regular meditation and prayer.

When I get away from these very simple, very basic practices, I feel it and you are definitely gonna' feel it!  (I know this because when I am feeling funky, I make it a point to share that funk with everyone around me.  You do know that misery loves company, right?!?)  And when I spew that stuff out into the world - guess what?  The world responds in kind.  And that sucks!!

Now, I have not found myself in the "funk" in quite a while - but I have also not been consistent lately with my basics.  Soooo, this morning, I got back to those practices with some genuine sincerity and you know what?  I am definitely experiencing the benefits already.  So now I can go out into the world with a grateful attitude, a generous and caring heart and I can be kind.  Kind to me, kind to you and everyone I come into contact with.  I can experience and share peace  ... now doesn't that sound like a better place to live??  Oh, yea, and I am no longer confused or floating in uncertainty.  Aahhhhh.....

I encourage newcomers (or not so newcomers) to find some form of meditation and prayer that works for you.  Be open to experimenting ... and don't become discouraged if your "not feelin' it" right away.  Like most practices or disciplines, it takes practice.  You may be pleasantly surprised with what you find.  

May the force be with you today!!

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