Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Serenity Prayer

Good morning all!  It has been almost a week since I posted.  Remember that saying, "be prepared because LIFE happens"?  Well, I am here to say there is nothing truer than that!  Life does happen and it ain't always pretty, but we must trudge forth and stay grounded and connected to our Higher Power (who I choose to call God) and our programs.  I happened across this version of the Serenity Prayer in some of my recovery paperwork and, I must say, it is quite interested indeed.  While I am not advocating that anyone must be of any particular or specific religious persuasion or that you must read the Bible (that is strictly personal choice) - I just thought it was interesting and could prove very helpful to anyone who may not understand the purpose of the prayer.  It certainly gave me food for thought.  Enjoy!  

May each of you have a very blessed, peaceful and serene day.  Never give up hope for a better today, tomorrow and future.  No matter what life throws at you --- you can overcome with the help of a Higher Power of your own understanding, a network of encouraging fellow travelers, the guidance of a sponsor, a 12-step fellowship of your choosing and FAITH that there is a wonderful plan for your life .... even if you cannot see it right now!  Never quit, never loose your connection and never forget you have a spiritual toolkit at your feet .... you just have to pick it up!  Open it, use your tools and TRUST YOUR HIGHER POWER.

Today I am focusing on courage .... what about you??

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