Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Life Lessons
Ever wonder why certain situations seems to show up in your life over and over - and over AGAIN?
Well .... perhaps there is a lesson that you are supposed to learn from this that you haven't accepted, recognized, allowed yourself to see, or didn't appear clear to you. It seems to hold true for me, even though it is crystal clear to others around me. It can be very clear to my sponsor, my best friend, my network in recovery, maybe even my family. MY eyes simply haven't opened or cleared from the fog of an "emotional bond". MY mind hasn't opened enough to see in a "logical' way. MY heart hasn't healed perhaps to the degree it needed to.
I read a meditation this morning about trusting "ourselves". Do you trust yourself? Are you berating yourself about repeating a pattern (that looks like making the same "mistake" again?). Are you questioning your own judgment? Are you second-guessing every choice or decision you make when it pertains to a certain someone, certain situation, certain behavior?
Well, there is hope! We can learn to trust ourselves again - we really can. And, guess what? It kinda feels awkward. At least for me it does. But that's just because we have fallen back into an old unhealthy pattern and now that we are finally able, capable, willing to see the truth, it feel's a little weird - good and not so good. I will describe it as feeling right, then having a little self-doubt, then immediately realizing that what I did, or did not do, was the right thing - for ME. We are finally able to make the right choice, take the right action or refrain from taking any action - whatever the case may be - for ourself! We seem to suddenly be considering ourself - instead of the other person, place or thing! Woo-hoo!! Never give up on yourself.
Today, I will let go of my fears about trusting myself because I have made mistakes in the past. I understand that these fears only serve to impair my judgment today. I will give my past, even my mistakes, validity by accepting and being grateful for it all. I will strive to see what I've gained from my mistakes. I will try to look at all my good decisions too. I will keep an eye for improvement, for overall progress, in my life.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Om Harmonics
Wanted to shared a great meditation track with all:
Om Harmonics 2
Wishing all a blessed, productive, positive, love-filled day ~ be safe, be kind, be loving, be forgiving, be helpful, be happy, be grateful.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Monday, August 5, 2013
Gratitude for Those In Our Lives
Who in your life has been a spark illuminating the darkness?
What person, group or collective has been there for you,
to rekindle the Light and spark a renewed passion for Life?
Consider reaching out to them today, offering your
Heartfelt appreciation and thanks.
Perhaps send a hand-written note, call them up, email ...
or simply send a fiery wave of Thanks through the ethers.
Play the Light forward, and know this is how Love grows.
Together we are better ... Beloveds Gratefully tending the
HeartFires of Humanity, opening Gateways for Love to flow!
Thank you, Beloveds, for being a Light in my Life. Thank
you for being an inspiration, for providing examples worthy
of emulation, and for your countless blessings, prayers,
support and company along this journey of Life, as Love.
Thank you, Beloveds, for being my Heart.
Thank you for being YOU!
Thursday, July 25, 2013
LOVE..... What a Complex Concept!
Do I feel love?
Do I want love?
Can I give love?
Can I experience love?
Of course! I think. I have to admit that there are times when I do, I can, I want to, I wonder. Sometimes it is all I can do to practice self-love. Boy, that one is THE hardest thing to do at times. Sometimes, it is my perception of love that blinds me, gets in my way, blocks me, makes me craaaaa-zeeee!!
Sometimes I just have to act as if .... as if I know, as if I can, as if I do, as if I will. That helps me get through the moment, the hour, the day, the evening. And then I get to get up and do it all over again!
I am grateful that I get to do that. I am grateful that I have the capacity to believe. The capacity to WANT to believe. I know my Higher Power wants wonderful things for me .... but I have to "let it begin with me" (isn't that an Al-Anon slogan??)
I also get to practice these actions, these thoughts, these concepts, these behaviors .... yes, practice and repeat and practice and repeat. These things I am seeking - to see, to feel, to believe, to experience - they WILL come to pass .... in time. Not necessarily when I WANT them .... but perhaps when I am "ready" for them.
Practice some self-love today!! Practice and repeat - practice and repeat - practice and repeat....
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
The Daily Love Event
The Daily Love is presenting a FREE Worldwide Online Event - July 15-19, 2013
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Helping Yourself - by Helping Others
What does that mean to you? Does this mean only the obvious? Or does this mean trying to be of service - INSTEAD of judging others, criticizing or complaining? If you are judging others, you probably need some help as well! By opening your mind, your heart and your attitude - you can actually be of assistance not only to someone else but to yourself as well!
Your judgment is often what you really feel about yourself. Perhaps someone else is exhibiting behavior that you are really "feeling" but won't allow yourself to exhibit because you are trying to be strong. Are you afraid for the world to see you as vulnerable, lonely, sad, confused, fearful, angry? Or are you just too stubborn and/or lazy to work your program? Or do you believe that YOU can figure things out or fix them - all by yourself!?! That you "don't need outside help - that YOU are enough"? Well, guess what? You can't - you're not - and people see right through that anyway - in your angry judgement of others, criticizing and complaining. Yes! I said angry - because that is usually how it shows up. Have you ever heard of "self-righteous"?? Look it up. We act as though we are annoyed, angry, fed-up that others are not behaving like we think we do or they should - perhaps we are projecting our refusal to be able to control what's really going on with us.
I've said it hundred of times .... WORK your program - work your steps on this - use your tools . These tools are freely and lovingly given to us!!! Let go of the obstinance - it will take you down!
My own experience tells me to stop focusing on my own crap - sitting in it, rolling around in it, wallowing in it (can you say self-pity?) - extend a kind thought, word or action to someone who is obviously feeling the same way. You will be amazed at how much it will help YOU!
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Tommy Rosen at the Wanderlust Festival Speakeasy in 2010
Great video - enjoy the journey.
I LOVE listening to Tommy Rosen - he speaks to me, he speaks to many on a level that we can absolutely relate to!
I LOVE listening to Tommy Rosen - he speaks to me, he speaks to many on a level that we can absolutely relate to!
Tommy Rosen: Step 1 Yoga And The 12 Steps
Keep watching my blog for Tommy's video on each step
Friday, April 12, 2013

"When I say NO to you, I'm saying YES to me." That is a quote from Wisdom in the Rooms and when I first read it, it struck me! It struck me in many ways actually. I have been having issues with saying yes when I really mean NO. Or at least I felt like saying "no, I don't want to, that's not my problem or job or responsibility". You know the drill.
You know what? It feels really, really good to be completely honest with myself and today I was able to do it, sort of. Let's just say the message will be heard when I don't show up to that place that I don't want to be. I am beginning to realize that speaking my truth is about self-care. It doesn't mean I don't care about another person or their situation or predicament. It just means I care more about "me".
So, today I can take care of MY responsibilities and MY life and MY self. I can love myself enough to speak my truth and follow through with it! Very liberating ~ very empowering ~ very honest. It felt good to value myself and my life more today!
I encourage all of you out there who are trying to "be all" to someone other than yourself to try it .... you'll like it!
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Wow moment ... I must admit it was to me - enjoy the read ..........
The Element of Surprise | by Ian Lawton
Aristotle said, “The secret to humor is surprise.” I would go even further than Aristotle. The secret to living fully and freely is surprise. Not knowing is the most exhilarating, sometimes frightening but always liberating, open ended mindset of all. Vera Nazarian describes it like this,
“Would you like to know your future? If your answer is yes, think again. Not knowing is the greatest life motivator. So enjoy, endure, survive each moment as it comes to you in its proper sequence — a surprise.”
Surprise is more important than belief. Belief is a period at the end of an experience, surprise is a question mark, an exclamation mark or maybe a comma, giving you time to pause and ponder the possibilities.
Surprise is the spontaneous friend, always suggesting adventure out of the blue. Belief is the sensible, predictable friend. We need both but unfortunately in our tightly controlled lives, sensible usually trumps spontaneity.
A belief is like a carefully labeled filling system. Something happens, and you immediately file it under “I’ve seen this before, I know what this is, this means...” Something else happens and you reach for the file called, “I told me so.”
I’d like to see more surprise, and less set in stone beliefs. Unless, of course, you create a belief that every moment is a surprise. That’s a belief with potential.
It’s no accident that most spiritual traditions have some form of parable, or surprising stories and various tricksters to jolt us out of a habitual mindset and it all rests on the element of surprise. Surprise is THE most spiritual quality that leads to all sorts of awakening.
See more from Ian Lawton + Surprise + Humor + Mystery + Fulfillment |
Ian Lawton is a spiritual teacher of inner wisdom, divine love, deeper consciousness, oneness, peace, and abundance.Learn more about Ian Lawton »
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Happy ~ Happy ~ Joy ~ Joy
Today is a day to be grateful, loving, kind, compassionate, forgiving, helpful, peaceful, positive!
No matter what, remember that you are blessed, you are loved, you are important. You can make a difference in someone else's life just by sharing your energy, a smile, a kind word, a thoughtful gesture.
There is much pain and sorrow that life can bring, but we needn't create more for ourself or others by
having a negative outlook or attitude. Remember - attitude is everything!
How willing are you today to have an attitude of gratitude? What will you do today to share love, joy, happiness and encouragement?
I choose to be happy, joyous and free today. What about you?
No matter what, remember that you are blessed, you are loved, you are important. You can make a difference in someone else's life just by sharing your energy, a smile, a kind word, a thoughtful gesture.
There is much pain and sorrow that life can bring, but we needn't create more for ourself or others by
having a negative outlook or attitude. Remember - attitude is everything!
How willing are you today to have an attitude of gratitude? What will you do today to share love, joy, happiness and encouragement?
I choose to be happy, joyous and free today. What about you?
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Oh, The Games We Play!
This isn't really a game, is it? Oddly enough, many of us seem to make it so. And even more odd - some of us seem to enjoy it!
Hmmmm, you know I read a very timely reading this morning entitled: The Basics, from Melody Beattie's 52 Weeks of Conscious Contact (pg 41, Week 9). That reading hit me square between the eyes.
Here is the excerpt:
"Isn't everyone codependent?" a woman asked me. "Maybe," I said. It is easy to get embroiled in other people's dramas. Isn't it even easier to see what other people need to do to take care of themselves, rather than tend to our own affairs? That's when we need to remember the basics of taking care of ourselves.''
These basics include comfortable living arrangements, enough sleep, proper nutrition and hygiene, social contact, fun or pleasure, taking responsibility for our own emotions, earning enough money to pay our bills, taking responsibility for own own goals and dreams, and saying no -- sometimes to other and sometimes to our own impulses.
My daughter introduced me to a computer game recently. It's a game where you create a city and get to rule the lives of the people in it. In this game, you get to decide where the people sleep, how much they sleep, when they eat, when they go to the bathroom, when they take a shower, whether they clean up after themselves, when they rest, whether they go to work so they can pay their bills and buy food, how much education they get, and how much they socialize. Kind of like play God.
"You can make people go crazy", my daughter explained. "All you have to do is not let them get enough sleep."
One of the meanings of "jaded" is being exhausted. Not getting enough sleep, not eating properly, not tending to our own emotions or our social needs can easily cause us to become jaded.
We make ourselves feel crazy by not tending to the basics. It was tempting to torture the people in the game just to see how they reacted. Sometimes it's tempting to torture ourselves.
Value: Self-care, practicing the basics.
Some of us seem to get caught in that swirl of drama, emotions, highs and lows. We get to assume the roles (game pieces or "icons" ... don't you like the sound of that? I think some of us do - more than we care to admit.). We get to be someone or something else, maybe it's someone or something we "think" we should be - other than what/who we are. (Old belief systems!!)
Now as I sit here writing, some things are occurring to me. That thing I read the other day (and God knows, something I have actually said to others I do/have done program work with) is crystalizing -- revealing itself to me --- again! That thing about behaviors and the repeating of behaviors and how there is something in us that is "fed" by practicing the behavior and the result produced. Now, who (that's got more than a couple of days strung together) in recovery wants to believe that? Hmmm, must be ego blocking my vision.
Now, getting back to the game pieces - here is my interpretation (today) of those pieces, the progression of the game and how we get to play those roles:
The Friend/Partner - this makes me feel good, a part of
The Helpful Friend/Partner - this makes me feel really good
The Advisor - this makes me feel important
The Assistant - this makes me feel needed
The Caretaker - this makes me feel needed, useful, helpful, important - until it makes me resentful
The Rescuer/Fixer - this makes me feel all of the above + capable - until it makes me feel obligated
The Martyr - this makes me feel obligated but necessary
The Victim - this makes me feel justified (for feeling angry, resentful, hurt, abused, etc.)
The Repeat Offender - ** most important or significant game piece ** (referring to the reading above, this can also be identified as the "tortured soul" .... ummm sounds dramatic doesn't it?) Now one would think this last icon/game piece is that person we are playing the game with - but, alas, it is not! It's probably not even a game piece you see, recognize, admit to even being present or a part of your game. But I am here to tell you it is - it is there, hidden under all the chaos. It is US - you and ME.
The Obsession - no explanation or definition necessary
This game of codependency -- IS it really just PLAYING GOD? Yeeee-ooouch! And YES, it is! Has this become our new "fix", our new "drug of choice"?
Guess what? That is one game that NEVER ends well, NEVER ends in victory for you or me and NEVER has the reward we are seeking. We can never win when we play this game - NEVER!! I will repeat: Has this become our new "fix", our new "drug of choice"? Can you see what I am talking about?
Step "away" from the game .... RE-READ the excerpt .... just for today, try to practice self-love, self-care - get back the "the basics". And then do it again - tomorrow!
Friday, March 15, 2013
If-Then Thinking by Tommy Rosen - en*theos Big Ideas
If-Then Thinking by Tommy Rosen - en*theos Big Ideas
Good morning all! Here is another great article --- sorry I don't have time to write this morning but I am off to a new job! Yes, things DO change, things DO get better .... IF we are patient and wait on God! Things DO seem to happen for a reason, just at the right time .... better than any of my plans and designs.
Can you say "Ahhh"?? Oh yeah, and, "Thank You!!" Have a super fabulous day!!!
Good morning all! Here is another great article --- sorry I don't have time to write this morning but I am off to a new job! Yes, things DO change, things DO get better .... IF we are patient and wait on God! Things DO seem to happen for a reason, just at the right time .... better than any of my plans and designs.
Can you say "Ahhh"?? Oh yeah, and, "Thank You!!" Have a super fabulous day!!!
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
What to Do When You Fail
Friday, March 8, 2013
How Do You Feel About YOU??
Do you? Believe in yourself? Do you value yourself? Do you love yourself? Are these self-seeking or selfish questions? I think NOT!
Remember that disease we have? The spiritual malady and the "thinking" that is destructive, non-productive, self-defeating, sabotaging ... you may call it the alcoholic mind (it is also our critical voice)? Well, that voice inside is developed over years and years. It becomes anchored because we play it over and over and over and then some! Our DIS-EASE centers in our mind in not only the medical/physical sense but the spiritual as well .... Everything starts in our mind, in our thinking - that's been proven. We prove that to ourselves everyday.
So what is going on up there? Are we constantly criticizing our self, degrading or belittling our self? Are we constantly comparing our self with others - so we never measure up? Are we afraid of trying because we are afraid of failing? Hmmm. Well, I don't know about you but, I learned to do this, to perpetuate this thinking very covertly going way back to my early childhood. And I got damn good at it! Trouble is .... that it was my secret ~~ Remember that saying, "we are only as sick as our secrets?"
Yea, well, as you can imagine - I was pretty sick. But not so much today! YAY for that, right? Well, yes - but I have done a whole lot of work and I still have to be diligent about the things I think, the things I say because they contribute to how I feel and how I treat myself - oh, and eventually, definitely how I treat you.
So I am really committed to certain "things" -- prayer and meditation, processes, inspiring tools to help me remember that I have a choice today! I can choose to believe that garbage or NOT. Today, I am convinced that I am NOT all of those things I used to believe about myself (internally) - not what I showed the world, because I actually am some of those things also. Today, I know that I AM worthy! That I AM good enough. That I DO have value - because I value myself. I know today that it is OK and normal to be fearful of change - good, bad or indifferent. Change is scary but it doesn't mean I'm week or inferior. Change is supposed to go from scary to exciting!!
Change, challenge, forward-movement ... those are all exciting things today. I've come a long way, baby! Thank God for that! What about you? Have you been successful at changing some of those patterns of thinking? Don't give up! Keep praying for the willingness and the courage. Get yourself some tools - great books, daily readers, effective meditation tools, supportive network, etc. Oh, and USE THEM!!
I do believe today that I have something to contribute to this world ~ although it is quite different from what I used to think I was supposed to contribute way back when. To be honest, I am not even so sure I was too concerned about contributing to the world at all ... I was more concerned about "getting mine". I must say that I definitely got mine, some of yours and then some! I got more than I bargained for actually. But that life experience is now my greatest asset and I don't regret the path of my life because it has landed me here!
And you know? This ain't so bad. I am happy, I am healthy, I am sober and even better ... I am SANE!! So, those of you out there that are trekking through your journey to betterment, keep on keepin' on! Remember that is where the gift is ... in the journey!
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Knot's (Not's) Prayer
Higher Power,
Monday, February 4, 2013
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Change - It's Inevitable
Hello all!
Well, this blog's location has changed to reflect the true author and I am looking forward to expanding topics, including new Uber Cool things, links to music and other media in the near future.
Thank you to all who follow or read and I always welcome feedback, ideas and commentary.
Well, this blog's location has changed to reflect the true author and I am looking forward to expanding topics, including new Uber Cool things, links to music and other media in the near future.
Thank you to all who follow or read and I always welcome feedback, ideas and commentary.
How's Your Thinking?
Sometimes we don't realize how powerful our old ways of thinking can be. These patterns are often below the surface, unintentional and subconscious. And often, especially when we are newly sober or in a new environment or situation, they drive our actions .... this can often create more challenges for us. Sometimes we really don't realize just how "negative' our thinking is. I know my own personal experience lead to someone who really cared about me and my success in life and recovery taking the time to mention what they were observing in my behavior. Did I want to hear it at that time? Oh, hell NO! But I did listen and it made me start to "think".
You could say it "stung" to hear that I was being negative .... and once I got past being mad, indignant and feeling sorry for myself, I was able to look at that comment more objectively. And, guess what? I WAS carrying a negative outlook around and I would whip it out the minute something was contrary to me staying in my "comfort zone". Well, as mentioned, I also started noticing how often it made potentially bad situations worse.
I am happy to say that through all of this, it created a willingness in me to work on becoming aware of this behavior and to take some steps to move away from that.
Here is a link to a helpful article about the topic:
Power of Positive Thinking
New Behaviors,
Positive Thinking,
Monday, January 21, 2013
To Thine Own Self Be True
Do you ever "discount" yourself?
Do you ever treat yourself as though you are not as valuable as others?
Do you ever sell yourself short?
No? Are you sure about that?
Do you ever put someone else's needs or wants before your own? Well, I'll bet if you take a good hard look at your situations, you may be surprised.
These are times when we believe it is important to "keep the peace, not rock the boat, help, make a concession, be the bigger person, and on and on". Sometimes those are instances of discounting yourself - placing less importance or value on our own desires, needs, or wants. Be careful about that my friend - sometimes those actions (or behaviors) will end up leaving you with a big fat resentment as your reward!
It can be difficult to discern what the right action is - especially when we are new to recovery. Sometimes a situation or environment is the "new" thing. Sometimes we may believe that we are solid in our recovery, doing the deal, on the beam, walking the walk --- then BOOM! Something new, different, unexpected or unusual will emerge suddenly, out of the blue. Those unexpected twists and turns can be dangerous and sort of rock our world. It may be our intention is to "be of service" to someone else or some situation ---- if it makes you question yourself, pay attention to that!
Pay attention to how you feel - deep down - not on the surface. How does it truly resonate with you and within you to perform this action? Most times, it is not the initial instance that creates an uneasiness. It is the pattern that may emerge if it is repeated over and over - this is when you may notice it doesn't "feel right for you".
P-A-U-S-E ... honor that uneasiness and take a step back. Ask yourself, "is this really the right thing to do - for ME? Am I doing God's will or my will?"
When we get the answer ... "uh, probably not or I am not so sure". Call your sponsor - go back to the basics of your program. Talk to someone in the program that you respect.
You may find that the "service" you started out performing has evolved into "DISservice" to you and the situation and probably others beyond that. Suddenly, you have put yourself on the clearance rack! You have marked down the value, the price, the importance of being true to thine own self.
Don't be a disservice to yourself! Doing that becomes a disservice not only to you - but to others and especially the very thing, person, situation you were trying to serve in the first place!! By this point, you have most likely crossed that line from service to controlling or enabling or both. YIKES -- time to RUN - back to that safe place for you - to God's will for you!!
Remember, YOU ARE VALUABLE!!! If I am treating myself only 40% well --- then I am only capable of giving 40% service to anyone or anything -- and that is a stretch! Do yourself a favor - honor yourself first!
And besides, you can't give away what you don't have! So give yourself a gift! To Thine Own Self - Be True!!!
Do you ever treat yourself as though you are not as valuable as others?
Do you ever sell yourself short?
No? Are you sure about that?
Do you ever put someone else's needs or wants before your own? Well, I'll bet if you take a good hard look at your situations, you may be surprised.
These are times when we believe it is important to "keep the peace, not rock the boat, help, make a concession, be the bigger person, and on and on". Sometimes those are instances of discounting yourself - placing less importance or value on our own desires, needs, or wants. Be careful about that my friend - sometimes those actions (or behaviors) will end up leaving you with a big fat resentment as your reward!
It can be difficult to discern what the right action is - especially when we are new to recovery. Sometimes a situation or environment is the "new" thing. Sometimes we may believe that we are solid in our recovery, doing the deal, on the beam, walking the walk --- then BOOM! Something new, different, unexpected or unusual will emerge suddenly, out of the blue. Those unexpected twists and turns can be dangerous and sort of rock our world. It may be our intention is to "be of service" to someone else or some situation ---- if it makes you question yourself, pay attention to that!
Pay attention to how you feel - deep down - not on the surface. How does it truly resonate with you and within you to perform this action? Most times, it is not the initial instance that creates an uneasiness. It is the pattern that may emerge if it is repeated over and over - this is when you may notice it doesn't "feel right for you".
P-A-U-S-E ... honor that uneasiness and take a step back. Ask yourself, "is this really the right thing to do - for ME? Am I doing God's will or my will?"
When we get the answer ... "uh, probably not or I am not so sure". Call your sponsor - go back to the basics of your program. Talk to someone in the program that you respect.
You may find that the "service" you started out performing has evolved into "DISservice" to you and the situation and probably others beyond that. Suddenly, you have put yourself on the clearance rack! You have marked down the value, the price, the importance of being true to thine own self.
Don't be a disservice to yourself! Doing that becomes a disservice not only to you - but to others and especially the very thing, person, situation you were trying to serve in the first place!! By this point, you have most likely crossed that line from service to controlling or enabling or both. YIKES -- time to RUN - back to that safe place for you - to God's will for you!!
Remember, YOU ARE VALUABLE!!! If I am treating myself only 40% well --- then I am only capable of giving 40% service to anyone or anything -- and that is a stretch! Do yourself a favor - honor yourself first!
And besides, you can't give away what you don't have! So give yourself a gift! To Thine Own Self - Be True!!!
Be True to Yourself,
Saturday, January 19, 2013
“Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers,
but to be fearless in facing them.
Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain, but
for the heart to conquer it.”
― Rabindranath Tagore
Geez, why does this have to happen now? Why is this happening to me? Ever find yourself asking those questions? Or how about .... I can't believe this is happening right now.
We, LIFE HAPPENS! Good, bad, sad, horrible, happy, joyous, fun - and everything in between. The trick is not to stop, not to give in, not to lay down, and not to give up. Keep moving forward. Embrace and accept whatever life sends your way, remember that nothing is forever. Keep your faith, work your program, connect to those around you who are safe and encouraging.
Before you know it -- you will be in a different place. And you will be able to look back and say, "Wow, I made it through. I am still intact. I am stronger for the challenge." That's a wonderful thing!!
Now go have the best day ever!
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Cloudy Skies ~ Sunny Skies
Some unforeseen event that throws you for a loop?? And now, the sky has gone dark and things look bleak to you? Have you lost some of your hope?
Boy, it is sometimes hard to see the sun through the clouds - isn't it?
I am grateful that I have a program of recovery that IF I work it, will alter my perspective and my outlook.
Life is going to throw challenges in your path - you can bet on that. But if you work your steps, stay connected to your sponsor and work on that conscious contact with your Higher Power ~ guess what??
The clouds WILL part and the sun WILL peek out. If your gratitude and attitude are in alignment with God's will for you - you will see the possibilities of a wonderful day unfolding in front of you. Start right there!!
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
New Beginnings
Ahhh!! That is such a welcome and wonderful sign, don't you think? I know it is for me. Each year has its ups and down, high spots and low spots and then we get a brand new year. While it is very true that we get a new day every, filled with God's grace, a new year is something quite different. It's like a new chapter in a book. We are free to have new adventures, new experiences, new discoveries. NEW HOPE!! (I never get enough of that!! In this instance, "more" is better.)
No matter how good your previous year may have been, it is always exciting to begin a new one! What are you going to do different this year? What will you do better this year? Will you have more gratitude? More humility?
What goals will you set or meet? What distractions will you leave in last year? Who will you help? What will you offer this new year - to the universe, to your family, to your friends, to your community -- to yourself?
I would love to hear your responses .... Happy, happy, joy, joy to all!
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
End of 2012
How did you end the year? With regrets, resentments of any kind? Are you dragging disappointment, heartache or hard-heartedness into the new year?
Well, STOP!!! Stop right in your tracks --- ask for the willingness to forgive, get out your notebook and do the inventory, work that 4th step and leave that behind!! Surrender it to your Higher Power! Move out of that space and into gratitude.
Leave all that other stuff in last year .... there is no room in this new year for any of that baggage!!
Oh, the Gratitude you can absolutely bring with you!!!!! It is highly recommended you do just that!
So long 2012.....
Well, STOP!!! Stop right in your tracks --- ask for the willingness to forgive, get out your notebook and do the inventory, work that 4th step and leave that behind!! Surrender it to your Higher Power! Move out of that space and into gratitude.
Leave all that other stuff in last year .... there is no room in this new year for any of that baggage!!
Oh, the Gratitude you can absolutely bring with you!!!!! It is highly recommended you do just that!
So long 2012.....
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